How Maasai Treat Malaria
The health of your stomach is very important in Maasai culture and medicine. The Maasai believe sugar and industrial oils reduce a persons immunity to malaria and other diseases. Along with this they believe it reduces your energy so you cannot run as far and get unnecessarily tired.
One method to cleanse the stomach is to purge the stomach through induced vomiting by drinking medicine made from crushed up seeds (enjani-engabura) and warm water. Within the expelled bile there is a corn syrup looking fluid that is attributed to causing the negative effects. Removing this substance is believed to treat/prevent malaria and other diseases while also preventing you from getting unnecessarily tired.
My friend Jomo walked me through this process and shows the end results in the video below.
Please leave a comment if you or anybody you know is knowledgeable in gut health and the mechanisms for how this could be a treatment for Malaria.